About DMD-Toothpaste Inc.

Girl Working on a Math Problem

We are DMD-Toothpaste Inc., an innovative, caring, and philanthropic company. Our business strives to bring that similar feeling of philanthropic thrill every time you purchase our toothpaste.


At the heart of our commitment, we endeavor to allow less fortunate students to advance their education through a scholarship fund. This will be made possible by setting aside a portion of the proceeds from the toothpaste sales to the scholarship fund. So, for every toothpaste you buy, we guarantee you that you have given a needy student a chance at a better future. For us, it is bright smiles for all that makes the world a more beautiful place.

Our Core Mandate and Values

Our company is based on the idea of giving people a product they can believe in and trust. Our core mandate is to make sure we make products that are of high-quality standards.

DMD-Toothpaste Inc.’s values reflect our philanthropic and caring culture, plus the pursuit of the highest quality standards possible for our products. Our company endeavors for a customer-centric approach focusing on serving the needs of our clients. We are also committed to acting with compassion and ethics, maintaining high standards of integrity and honesty in all of our dealings. Our commitment is to enhance the lives of our communities and comply with government regulations and laws.

Dental Products

Continuous Improvement

We follow a policy of continuous improvement, where we are committed to getting better and better in everything we do, from service delivery to product development. Our business also strives better to understand our clients’ needs to continuously innovate and improve on our services and products at all times.

Our Policies

  • Commitment to Responsible Sourcing
  • Policy on Ingredients Safety
  • FDA Approval
  • Respect for Human Rights


  • Board of Directors
  • Ethics and Compliance
  • Corporate Governance Policies
  • Our Leadership Team

Our Stories

  • Innovation
  • Sustainability
  • Education for All

Our Heads

  • Melody Clarke, CEO, President